About Us

Welcome to Southern Comfort Cottage
Ro and I first visited St Ives in 1995 on our first romantic break away together! Since then we've got married, had 2 children and visited many times, always hoping one day we'd be lucky enough to actually have our own place in St Ives. In May 2010 our dream became reality - after trailing around many properties - with high hopes often dashed we knew as we walked through the door that this was the one.
Southern Comfort is our home from home, and that means that it is not just another commercial property you'll be visiting where everything is done with an eye for the bottom line. It's important that the beds must be comfortable. The bed linen must be crisp and white, all seasons duvets so you don't bake in the summer but can be super cosy in the winter. Bedspreads and throws, because we all have different tolerances to the cold. Characterful furniture to compliment the cottage, which may mean things keep changing as we make a new find. Books, films and ornaments come from our home. I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome any constructive feedback and suggestions,
with regards Anne and Rohan
Contact Us
Southern Comfort
8 St Peters Street.
St Ives, TR26 1NN
Enquiries To;
Anne Master
Bye Mills Farm
Bristol, BS39 4JL
Tel: 01275 331229
Mobile: 07753 602770